Ella is getting so big to me! I know to everyone else she just looks like a brand new baby, but it's so amazing to watch her from a mommy's point of view and see the tiny changes happening every day. She's getting much stronger with her neck now. She can hold her head when you have her sitting/standing up straight. And when you lay her on her belly, (which she still hates) she's able to lift her head every so slightly before it crashes back down.
Unfortunately for her, she seems to be binki retarded. It seems my her powerful suck doesn't just not work with nursing. She sucks so hard her binki pops in and out of her mouth, so we have to hold it in place for her almost all the time. I was trying to get a picture of her with it in her mouth because she looks so cute with it, but every time I'd move my hand and quickly snap the shot it'd already be out and on the ground next to her. But when I looked at this shot more closely, I realized I caught the flying binki in action.
She also just passed her one month mark, so of course that meant more pictures. I want to make a book when she's a year old that will have a shoot taken every month to capture her growing. But of course, being me, it's not enough just to take her pictures. I have to figure out a new "location" or prop for her to be with. As you'll see below, she's often more than thrilled with my choices. I often had "the" shot in mind, but she wasn't always willing to cooperate immediately.
Her version: "No way mom, I'm not getting naked on daddy's coat. You know I'll pee on it."
The shot I wanted and got. Yeah! (it did take a while to get her to fall asleep for real)
The shot I wanted never really came about on this set. But below is almost there: (isn't she a cute book end!)
Ella's version: "can you believe the things my mom makes me do?"
This is about the shot I wanted. I won't include her version. Let's just say she did pee on this blanket and because she HATES anything wet on her bum, she wouldn't pose so lady like until we moved her to a new location and dryed her off. Can you say spread eagle?
Grandma Leslie suggested this one: Daddys thumbs with Ella's monster feet. (I know, they look small, but I swear they're way big for a little girl her age).
Jordan and Ella's version of fun: "please don't eat me dad. getting out of mom's stomach was hard enough."
The one shot I really wanted from the whole day and got!: how precious is skin to skin...
Okay. Enough about Ella. Let me give Jordan some blog time. He's such an amazing daddy and husband to Ella and I. And this week he's been extra happy because he found out he's been accepted into the University of Utah's Bioengineering PhD program. He's applied to three schools: the U, Yale, and Duke University. We probably won't hear from the other two for another month or two. But we were hoping to make the U our back up plan, so it's at least a relief to know that's in order. Grandma Leslie and Carolyn both wish we'd make the U "the" plan, but we'll have to see what Heavenly Father says. Right now we're thinking our top choice is staying put here in the ghetto (although we will get a new apartment if we stay), but I sure do miss Salt Lake and being close to family. So we'll see what happens. I'm way proud of Jordan for all he's doing. This is his last semester and then come May, he'll be a real live Yale graduate.
I'm not up to many exciting things lately, except watching Ella grow of course. I am however falling in love with the simplicity of motherhood. I say simplicity only in reference to how easy it is to fall in love with a child. And right now I feel like i have a good handle on the whole diaper changing, microwaving a bottle, rocking my baby to sleep routine. It's repetitous, but rewarding just the same. Plus it means I never have to leave my bath robe (like today) if I dont want to. I usually make an effort to clean up for Jordan, but today's just been one of those lazy rainy days. Even Jordan slept in. I have decided to start keeping a journal, for real this time. Ella and I made a trip to staples to pick one out. I want her to be able to hear about all my funny mom experiences I'm having. Like last week when I warmed up the shower for three hours before I realized I'd left the water on. Let's just say I was trying to do one too many things that day. But I'm realizing I either take things slow and one at a time, or the ceiling will be dripping with water for days. Good thing the bubbled paint only adds to the charm of our decaying bathroom. And would you believe the water was still warm. Modern day miracle for a mom who just really wanted a successful day. (teeth brushed, showered, hair blow dryed. makeup and a curling iron are pushing it).
Wow! Congrats on the PHD to U! That's awesome, Richard and I of course would love to have you here, but we'd understand if you choose differently.
Liz, I flipping want to be you. I want all your talents! Those pictures were beautiful, my fave was either sexy Jordan (haha) or definitely the fur one. BEAUTIFUL!
i love the pictures. That will be so neat to have a photojournal of her first year like that. You are so talented!!!
Ella is so beautiful and Liz you are so talented, those pictures are amazing!!
I had to sneak a peak to get some ideas for taking pictures of miss Madison!
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